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More about The Magic of nonverbal communication: CIrcus Arts For Peace

While the Palestinian Israeli conflict rages on, Palestinians and Jews, both citizens of Israel, remain segregated with few opportunities for shared discourse or cultural exchange, especially among the youth. This has led to complete alienation and expressions of racism and prejudice. Dialog programs tend to fail because of language and cultural differences. Extensively experienced in monitored dialog work, The Galilee Foundation addresses this issue with the Galilee Youth Circus.

Our work shows that circus, acrobatics, juggling, require utmost cooperation and develop self-confidence, mutual trust and respect, and above all – sheer joy. Young people are perceived as genuine and reliable. This program serves as a bridge between the Palestinian and Jewish communities in the region.

The Circus reaches out to children at an early age, and involves their parents and communities as well. They are put in situations where they must trust at the most basic level- will my partner catch me when I fall? Here real cooperation is a precondition for success. We studied other social circuses and follow Reggie Moore’s teachings, but we are unique because we are bi-national.

The Magic of nonverbal communication: CIrcus Arts For Peace around the web
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Galilee Foundnation for Value Education / Israel / Multiple sports