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More about UNICEF Kid Power

GET ACTIVE. SAVE LIVES. ™ UNICEF Kid Power gives kids the power to save lives. By getting active with the UNICEF Kid Power Band, kids earn points, which unlock food packets for malnourished children around the world.

UNICEF Kid Power aims to address two key issues effecting youth both domestically and abroad: physical inactivity and severe acute malnourishment. The program, which uses the world's first WEARABLE-FOR-GOOD™, gets kids moving by tapping into their inherit desire to help their peers. Kids wear their Kid Power Bands, which measure their movement and unlock Kid Power Points - the more they move, the more points they earn. Power Points are converted to funding by partners, and funds are used by UNICEF to deliver lifesaving packets of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to severely malnourished children around the world. The professional sports world, led by the NBA Cares family has been a huge supporter and has provided numerous incentives for top classrooms and promotion for the growth of UNICEF Kid Power!

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