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More about Sustainability for All: Applying a Major Sport Hosting Sustainability Model to Everyday Events

The vast majority of the organizers hosting events in Richmond do not have a strong sustainability background or understanding. Utilizing the AISTS’s SSE Toolkit which integrates the management and sustainability practices recommended by the leading organizations into a realistic application for large scale sport events, the Richmond Sustainable Events Program focuses on the elements that small to medium sized sport events are able to implement. With emphasis on People, Planet and Profit aspects, sport event organizers are able to bring these elements to a cross section of the population through direct experiences and serves as an indirect educational benefit.
The City of Richmond's Sustainable Event Toolkit, companion '7-Step Quick Guide' and website provide practical resources for event organizers. These resources work to 1) socialize the concept of sustainability as encompassing people, the planet and profit, 2) reduce waste / encourages recycling, 3) improve accessibility to more sustainable water choices, 4) establish positive legacies from events, 5) promote public and clean transportation, 6) drive awareness of smarter food choices, and 7) support sustainable accommodation

Sustainability for All: Applying a Major Sport Hosting Sustainability Model to Everyday Events around the web
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