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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

5th Floor, 110 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6JS 119 W. 24th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011

More about Snow Camp

Snow-Camp is a youth charity providing disadvantaged young people from London's most crime-ridden inner-city areas with the chance to improve their lives through snow sports. We find London's most disenfranchised youths (aged 13-19), teach them to ski or snowboard during the day and conduct life skills workshops with them in the evenings. Our young people benefit from overcoming the challenges related with learning to ski or snowboard.

The skills needed to overcoming these challenges are studied and honed during evening Life Skills sessions that are designed to encourage the values of tenacity, discipline, cooperation and patience. Our volunteers are made up of society’s most illustrious role models: university professors, pilots, high net worth individuals, businessmen and women, athletes, professionals and celebrities. In addition to our week-long Alpine camps, Snow Camp runs a series of two-day workshops in and around the London area. Held during the summer months at "dry slopes" and “indoor slopes”, our youths can continue to practice their newly found hobby and interact with peers from outside their communities.

The life skills component of the two-day workshops places emphasis on leadership and social skills. When our youth leaders return to their communities, they become role models themselves and promote our programme through good example.

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Value! / United Kingdom / Outdoor pursuits