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More about Skateistan

Conflict in Afghanistan has been largely ongoing since 1978, leading to severe social dislocation and divisions between ethnic groups and economic classes. Minority ethnicities, the poor, the disabled, and women have been particularly oppressed, facing numerous structural and cultural barriers to accessing education and/or participating in civil society.

During Taliban rule, females were entirely excluded from public society – unable to work, attend school, play sports, or go outside without a male relative and a burka. Ten years later these limitations largely persist. Using skateboarding as a tool for engaging Afghan youth and breaking down social barriers, Skateistan aims to empower girls and boys from all ethnicities, abilities and social classes. Furthermore, once they come here there is also the opportunity in classroom time to provide education, skills and platforms for self-expression.

In Afghanistan, popular sports typically involve violence or competition. Skateboarding is non-competitive and requires minimal supervision and resources. As a new sport in Afghanistan, a special connection and identity is being created among participants from all backgrounds. Most importantly, the absolute novelty of skateboarding in Afghanistan means there are no existing cultural norms preventing girls from participating. Skateboarding, for example, is the only sport that girls play in public.

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