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More about SafeSport – Where Your Game Plan Starts

One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. With approximately 44 million youth participating in sport, the USOC recognizes its responsibility – and its opportunity – to change these odds. Abuse is particularly complicated in sport because of the strong personal relationships formed between athletes and authority figures. Often an invaluable part of the sport experience, these close relationships nonetheless make it easier for an individual to groom athletes for abuse, while simultaneously creating substantial barriers to reporting misconduct.

The USOC reaches approximately 73 million youth through its formal relationships with NGBs and Multi-Sport Organizations. Through this expansive reach, SafeSport aims to help communities recognize, reduce and respond to abuse. Sport offers innumerable benefits to kids, including enhanced confidence, leadership and self-worth, all important elements to preventing abuse.

The USOC’s commitment to this issue is fully aligned with the values of the Olympic Movement, and as sport administrators, it is our responsibility to provide the essential leadership, energy and resources to create safe and secure environments for children. Through SafeSport, the USOC reaffirms its mission is not just about getting athletes to the podium; it’s also about how we get them there
