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More about Promoting Health, Life Skills and Fun for Boys and Girls through Sport in Karamoja Region

Karamoja has a unique socio-economic and cultural context characterised by cattle raiding and violence amongst different tribal groups due to complex historical circumstances. In this regard, the general aim of TKL is to promote integration and unity amongst the children, youth and families in Karamoja. TKL use sports and outreach activities for children aged 9 – 14 years. Children come from different clans are registered for football and netball game during which they interact and blend in teams with colleagues from different clans. The outreach activities are non-sporting activities that are implemented by Youth Ambassador Clubs (YAC) with in schools.

These groups deliver messages they have devised on health, education and peace through plays, songs, drama and debate. The YAC also stretches its out reach activities to the neighbouring communities living near the schools. This helps to ensure that non school going children as well as the rest of the community members get the opportunity to participate and enjoy the YAC activities. All the sports and outreach activities are run by volunteers, which promotes much needed civic engagement within Karamojong communities.

Promoting Health, Life Skills and Fun for Boys and Girls through Sport in Karamoja Region around the web
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