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More about Mbarara Sports Academy

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world. It ranks 154th out of 177 countries on the Human Development Index (2007/08)with one of the highest population growth rates in the world.

Despite the provisions in the children’s statute 1996 of rights of the children including right to life, right to live with their parents, right to education, right to be protected from violence and ill treatment and right to good health, according to the 2002 Housing and population census, out of 13.4 million children living in Uganda, 3.3 Million (24%) were found to be vulnerable of which 16% of the children lived with relatives and friends while 40,000 children were household heads.

With this history, coupled with lack of an education from very many kids and young people, it was clear to me that education would be the only solution for all these problems. We use sport to teach social messages to help young people mature as responsible citizens while identifying schools that give scholarships to those that are talented so they can get a free education. We have secured enough land to build a school to support and increase on the number young people attending school in my community.

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Mbarara Sports Academy / Uganda / Football (Soccer)