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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

5th Floor, 110 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6JS 119 W. 24th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011

More about Liga Formativa Chamizal

We are a non-profit organization that seeks to socially improve the lives of individuals living in marginalized communities due to distinct circumstances.

Using sport as a catalyst for social change, our effort is to foster positive experiences for our participants so that they can stray away from negative environments that include living on the streets, drugs, and other substance abuse; and at the same time be able to rebuild an image of dignity and respect for themselves.

By participating in our various events, our goal is to provide healthy experiences for our participants, so that we can inspire them to construct positive self-images, despite being previously socially unaccepted.

Our training sessions and participation in tournaments are gateways in this transformation process, where an individual can surpass living in marginalization to become an "active citizen".

Organize sporting events so that our youth and adults can stray away from alcohol and/or drug abuse.

Guide individuals to rebuild a positive self- image and self-confidence after living in the streets.

Carry out sporting events in marginalized communities.

Liga Formativa Chamizal around the web
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