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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

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More about Gonzo Soccer

Girls from underserved communities and lower socioeconomic strati do not reach their potential in life. In the United States and globally, intelligent, athletic, and motivated girls never fulfill their dreams, and our mission is to provide these girls the tools and inspiration to do so. Gonzo sees the solution to this social issue as falling into two categories 1) prevention of the common pitfalls of girls from underserved communities---inactivity, early pregnancy, obesity, involvement in drugs, alcohol, gangs, etc and 2). Providing the tools every girl from any community needs to succeed—goal setting, nutrition, leadership, teamwork, etc.

According to the Children’s Defense Fund, rates of childhood obesity are higher in low-income neighborhoods. The unmet needs of Latina girls in the U.S. are particularly significant. With Latinos as the fastest growing minority group in the U.S., these needs are increasing. Over 32% of Latina girls in the U.S. live in poverty, according to the State of Girls report by the Girl Scouts of America, compared to just 11% of their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Latina girls suffer from obesity disproportionately from their white peers in the U

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