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More about Chicago Training Center Rowing

CTC’s award-winning, free out-of-school-time rowing programs provide teens of all athletic abilities with opportunities to improve their health and fitness, develop strong peer relationships, and build essential character traits such as confidence, self-discipline, leadership, responsibility, and respect. CTC further capitalizes on crew’s status as an elite college sport to encourage its members—many of whom are first-generation college aspirants—toward academic persistence, high school graduation, and a wider array of postsecondary opportunities.From its inception, CTC has advocated for alternative sports as effective pathways to higher education for low-income and minority youth. Unlike common urban pursuits such as football or basketball, rowing is accessible for girls and boys alike and does not require any particular ability or talent: one’s performance depends directly on the effort and dedication put toward one’s training. CTC supplements its athletic programs with complementary activities including fitness/nutrition education, college and career awareness, and postsecondary planning to help participants broaden their college search and selection process.

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