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More about Chicago Bears Community Relations

The Chicago Bears have instilled a philosophy of benevolence and philanthropy since the team’s inception in 1920, and giving back to the community remains a fundamental element of the organization’s guiding principles to this day. The Chicago Bears organization implements and supports numerous community programs and initiatives, which positively impact thousands of individuals, children and families each and every year. Our four primary areas of focus include education, health & fitness, volunteerism & civic involvement, and youth football.

Through programming in each of these categories, we encourage Chicagoland residents to lead productive and healthy lifestyles. Through the NFL PLAY 60 campaign, the Bears focus specifically on tackling childhood obesity and encouraging children to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day.

Our community outreach provides essential support to schools, youth organizations, charities and community groups. Bears Care complements these community efforts by providing much needed funding to deserving charities in support of targeted education and youth athletic programs. In addition, Bears Care directs a significant amount of support to medical research and health awareness programs focusing on breast and ovarian cancer. Since inception, Bears Care has donated nearly $18M in grants to over 110 charitable agencies throughout Chicagoland.

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Chicago Bears Football Club / United States / American Football