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More about A Better World

Ten years to date, organized crime has been given the task of involving children and young people by offering them work in their business in exchange for a little money. They use them to provide traffic information of the armed forces, to transport drugs and other specific jobs that endanger their lives.

Many children and youth leave school, practice of sports and families within days or months, because they are imprisoned or worse dead, every passing day the drug is easier to acquire in high schools and universities in the country of Mexico.

That is why we care about doing a project to support children and youth in sport, education and values, also support for the needy, and they become a role model for many of his colleagues on their teams or in their schools.

One of our projects to focus on the social problem in which we live is broadcasting in the media, where we create the only magazine of its kind “Promos Sport”. Spreading the children who are supported by our project and publicizing various sports schoolhouses to show the relevance of the sport and education in their training and development.

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Promotora Mexicana de Valores Deportivos / Mexico / Baseball, Football (Soccer), Chess