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Capoeira continues in conflict zones

Bidna Capoeira aims to use Capoeira as the main tool to provide psychosocial support to children and youth living in areas of conflict, humanitarian crisis or in similarly vulnerable situations.

Bidna Capoeira works in the Middle East, providing psychosocial support to children and youth living in areas of conflict, humanitarian crisis or in similarly vulnerable situations. Over the last 6 months, as conflict has increased the region, they have been extremely busy, working with upwards of 1000 children and youth a month in Syria, Palestine and Jordan.


Over 146,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in 2011, with 8000 of these children. Recently, Bidna Capoeira has started training more local staff to deliver their programmes. The training not only includes capoeira, but also how to deal with the trauma that that has affected many of the war-affected children in the region.


With the escalation of conflict in the area Bidna Capoeira has faced multiple challenges, however they are continuing to run projects in the area and believe it is even more important to have social capoeira as an outlet to help young people deal with the incredibly difficult situation they find themselves in. Projects are taking place in Bethany, East Jerusalem and in the West Bank.


With a constant stream of Syrian Refugees walking across the desert to ask for sanctuary in neighbouring countries, Jordan is experience a huge influx of refugees – approximately 600,000 have arrived over the course of the conflict in to Jordan. To provide services to many of the children and young people coming across the border, Bidna Capoeira have set up a social capoeira project in the Azraq Refugee Camp.

Bidna Capoeira were shortlisted for Best New Project award in 2011




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