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SRLA and Nike Distribute 3,500 Uniforms for LA Marathon

February 21, 2020  

Students Run LA (SRLA) have partnered with Nike for their annual Marathon Uniform Distribution this Saturday, ahead of the Los Angeles Marathon on March 8, where 3500 middle and high school students from underserved areas are set to race.  

Over 180 volunteer teacher-leaders from schools across LA will make the trek to the SRLA office in Tarzana to pick up Nike Marathon Uniforms for their students. Together in their uniforms, 3,500 SRLA teachers and students will take on the 26.2 mile challenge. These uniforms ensure that SRLA runs as one and is a symbol of pride to students, indicating that they have made it to the final race of the season. 

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For 31 years, SRLA has been providing free youth mentoring and a marathon-training program throughout Greater LA. Each year, SRLA creates a safe, supportive community at 185+ public schools, welcoming more than 3,200 students of all backgrounds and abilities to train alongside their volunteer teachers. Annually, more than 95% of the students who attempt the Marathon complete the 26.2 mile course; and more than 94% of the seniors in SRLA graduate from high school with plans to attend college the following fall. 

To celebrate the importance of women in sport, SRLA will also be distributing sports bras donated by Nike to all girls in the program. Nike believes kids are made to play and resources such as sports bras help remove barriers that impede girls’ ability to participate in play and unlock their potential. By age 14, girls drop out of sport at twice the rate of boys. Sports bras help change this. Nike has also created a 'Power Equals Play guide' which helps SRLA coaches guide their students comfortably through a potentially awkward conversation while providing them with the tools they need for success. 

Students Run LA were 2018 Beyond Sport Global Awards Shortlisters. Learn more about the Beyond Sport Global Awards here.


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