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SCORE Sports Partners with GoFundMe On Youth Sports Equity

April 19, 2024

In a move to promote equity in youth sports and alleviate financial strains in the US, sports uniforms and equipment supplier SCORE Sports has joined forces with crowdfunding platform GoFundMe to help ease the burden on families of increasing youth sports participation costs. The partnership will provide fundraising support to leagues, sports programs, coaches and parents who otherwise would not be able to afford new uniforms and equipment.

Only 24% of six to 12-year-olds from households making $35,000 or less per year played sports, according to a 2021 study conducted by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. Whereas 40% of children from homes making $100,000 participated in sports. Early introduction to sports can lead to better health outcomes, school scholarships and spots on teams as children age, according to Project Play, which found that household income is the number one factor on when children start sports.

“It’s great to see SCORE Sports and GoFundMe join forces in helping mitigate the burden that rising costs for uniforms, apparel, equipment, travel and registration fees can have on families” said retired soccer star Abby Wambach, a SCORE Sports board member.

GoFundMe currently lists youth sports among its top fundraising categories, with thousands of sports fundraisers occurring annually through the platform. Its collaboration with SCORE Sports is a strategic effort to confront barriers to participation. As expenses for equipment, registration fees and travel continue their upwards trend, GoFundMe pledges to introduce innovative fundraising initiatives. These initiatives will enable SCORE Sports to extend exclusive promotions and support to communities facing financial challenges.

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Through this partnership, the partners want to ensure that all aspiring athletes have an equal opportunity to pursue their passions. Sports have been proven to have a profound impact on success throughout life. Based on findings from the Healthy Sport Index and the Women's Sports Foundation, high school athletes demonstrate a greater likelihood of graduating from a four-year college compared to their non-participating counterparts. The statistics reveal that 73% of female athletes and 59% of male athletes are inclined to pursue higher education, whereas only 67% of non-athlete females and 53% of non-athlete males are similarly inclined. Among other things, higher education tends to link to better employment opportunities.

This strategic partnership closely aligns with SCORE Sports' founding mission. Established in 1975 by two visionary sisters who recognized the necessity for more affordable yet high-quality uniforms, the company has flourished over nearly five decades to become a dominant force in the uniform manufacturing market. GoFundMe shares a parallel commitment to making meaningful social impact on the causes and communities that hold significance.

“This partnership is about more than just providing financial assistance; it’s about bringing communities together to support our youth and ensure that the love for sports, and the values sports instill, are made available to every athlete,” shared SCORE Sports President and CEO Kevin Mahoney.


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