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Sports Direct Launches Campaign to Tackle Inactivity During Winter

November 4, 2022 

Clocks in the UK went back an hour on October 30th, plunging the country into darkness earlier. This coupled with Winter's approach in the country has historically been shown to negatively impact people’s physical activity levels and mental health. As a result, UK sports retailer Sports Direct has re-launched its "Beat the Quit" campaign to empower and motivate Brits to continue with their normal exercise routines during the Winter. 

Daylight Savings, the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later time, is used by around 70 countries globally. The tradition, which began in 1918, has been found to have a negative effect on our bodies and mental wellbeing. According to Sports Direct research, 61% of Brits admit to stopping exercise completely as the days draw in. And 22% spend more time on their digital devices. 

Data also revealed that women are impacted the most, with 56% quitting exercise completely. Seven in 10 women surveyed said the darker evenings mean they struggle to find well-lit running routes and 44% said they don’t feel safe running outside during the winter in the dark. The lack of light and sun exposure during this time can also exacerbate issues of depression and anxiety.

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Beat the Quit intends to combat barriers to physical activity during the colder, darker months. First launched last year, Sports Direct has teamed up with regional running clubs to provide motivational tips and “shine a light on the best-lit running routes and provide motivation to those who find themselves swapping exercise for excuses.” 

One of them is The Outrunners – a Hackney-based running club that helps people give back to their community. With the belief in bringing people together to improve their fitness, the club uses the power of collective energy to widen the possibilities for young people in Hackney. The club’s runners regularly attend events including organised races and social gatherings.

“Movement has a profound positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing,” states the club. “It’s no secret that it can be less enticing to head out for a run when it is cold and dark outside, which is why we’re here to motivate people and make it easier to keep on going.” 

This past Wednesday, The Outrunners hosted an interactive community run and panel at a Sports Direct store in Birmingham as part of the campaign. 

Source: Endurance Biz 


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