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After a tremendous success with the pilot launch of Tag Rugby Trust Zimbabwe Work Experience initiative with National Foods Breathaway Food Caterers, they took in another volunteer to learn and empower himself. Guiding him through the ins and outs of the production process of Zimbabwean’s favourite snacks Zapnax. Throughout the 6 week programme he continued to add to his personal skill set and feeding him with knowledge he won’t forget.

Here is what he had to say about his experience.

The greatest gift one can ever receive is enlightenment. I have learned a lot, and I am grateful for the opportunity to build my future through rugby given to me to experience work with a corporate. Sincerely I wouldn't say that working is that easy, but there is need for endurance. My life is absolutely different and I will continue to apply what I have learned.

Considering the number of tag rugby volunteers Harare has to offer, it was breath taking to receive a call from our Country Co-Ordinator Desmond McDonnell giving me the great news that I had passed my interview to go to one of our biggest sponsors for some work experience.

My six week work experience journey at Breathaway Food Caters began unexpectedly. Everyone welcomed me with greatest hospitality and was looking forward to working with and guiding me. This showed the good relations Tag Rugby Trust has with their sponsors. After a brief meeting with the Human Resources Manager, I was appointed as a Store’s Manager under the guidance of a loving supervisor Monica Moyo. During tea and lunch breaks she always made time to teach me how our department was important in the production of Zapnax snack foods and the Iris biscuits.

I really enjoyed and learned a lot. I was like a soldier without a rifle, but now I’m equipped. This work experience program really helped build my future.

Source: Tag Rugby Trust Zimbabwe.


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