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A look inside Beyond Sport House from Home

Part 1: Ready. Set. Innovate.

October 2, 2020

Covering sport for social change, business, community engagement and the Global Goals, the three-part Beyond Sport House From Home series kicks off this month! Designed as a place where our attendees can focus on the issues they care about, the five impact-focused sessions are created to inspire action and interaction. Through November, take advantage of the opportunity to engage on the current issues that concern us all with content streamlined to keep screen time to a minimum. 

It all starts October 21 with a standstill on the State of the Sport Industry and how current events are impacting cause and community.

Following an opening on the lay of the land from activist, documentary filmmaker and daughter of sporting legend, Pelé, Kely Nascimento-DeLuca, representatives from Beyond Sport Founding Supporters MLB, MLS the NBA, NFL, NHL and the WNBA take “the stage”. They will give an inside view of their experiences over the last six months and their plans for the future as sport continues to emerge from an unimaginable year.

Attendees will then have their choice of breakout sessions on the future of major sporting events and their socio-economic impact, fan engagement or purposeful partnerships led by business leaders from across the international business landscape. They will present case studies on today's top issues followed by an audience Q&A. 

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To close out the day, teams and leagues will have an exclusive opportunity to engage on how to best use their platforms to support civic participation and engagement - a subject at the top of many minds. This ‘Beyond The Vote’ conversation will explore the innovative ways players, teams and leagues are using their voices, venues and resources in service to their communities.

On October 22, House aligns with our ongoing Global Awards Campaign as we shift focus to the current global economic crisis, the likes of which the world hasn’t seen the likes of since the Great Depression. The Door To Opportunity will feature community-based organizations who are at the forefront of how sport needs to change as a tool for education, employment and enterprise.

Leaders from Kick4Life, Magic Bus India and the Qatar Foundation will share their insights during a panel that delves into the shift needed to reimagine sport’s role. Then attendees will be able to ideate with the expert 2020 Sport for Decent Work and Economic Growth Shortlisters Africa Yoga Project (10 countries across Africa), Charity Bounce (Australia), Interculturalidad Salud Y Derechos AC (Mexico) and Fundlife (Philippines).

Workshops will address specific challenges within this issue with two of the sessions specifically focused on strategies for teams and leagues. Recommendations from these workshops will be shared in a the Beyond Sport House ‘State of the Sector’ report that will be available to attendees in November.

And that’s just Part One!

Next month, House turns to the power of the group with a focus on Collective Impact. Part Two will address the challenges, successes and ideas from the field and collaborating for the future from November 11-12. And, on November 17, we are honored to partner with the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation for a special virtual edition of their ‘Mini-Mondial’ to go Beyond The Divide.

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This third part of the series will explore the role of sport in removing barriers to peace-building and social justice across the Middle East and globally featuring international policy shapers, leaders from the Peres Center’s award-winning program, youth who are leading the way and our inspirational Sport for Peace and Social Justice Global Awards Shortlisters.

One pass gives you the keys to all Beyond Sport House From Home sessions*, so don’t wait to register! Attendees will also have the opportunity to host their own meetings, network with fellow attendees and navigate our virtual Expo using our people-centric Hopin platform.

Experience real change through sport, from home. Learn more about the series and register today (general and NGO passes available). The full speaker list will be released soon!

*Team and league sessions are invite-only


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